How to Grow Weed

How to Grow Weed

Marijuana, also known as pot, ganja, or weed, is a psychoactive drug obtained from the leaves and buds of the cannabis/ hemp plant. These leaves and buds can be consumed by vaporizing, smoking, or even taking them together with food. People take weed to experience a state of relaxation known as high. Apart from being used recreationally, marijuana is also used medically to treat chronic pain, loss of appetite, and cancer, among many other conditions (Hill KP, 2015). 

The hemp plant is believed to have originated in central Asia. Since then, the cannabis plant has circulated all over the globe, with over 3.8% of users worldwide (Caulkins et al., 2016). This spread has led to the legalization of weed in many different countries.

 In Canada, the government legalized weed on October 17, 2018, under regulations. Some of these regulations include the following; 

  • Adults can only grow a maximum of four plants per household
  • The minimum age to possess weed is 18 years of age (this varies with the province)
  • One can only have no more than 30 grams of weed
  • The federal government controls the licensed production of cannabis 

This article will dive into the reasons to grow cannabis and how you can also grow weed. Let’s get into it!


5 Reasons to Grow Your Cannabis Plant

Many benefits come with growing your weed. If you are a regular weed user, strain collector, or even a person who has never used weed, you might consider having your own weed plants. Below, you will find compelling reasons why you should grow your own weed plant.

You Save Money

One of the things you are always looking forward to is saving that extra shilling. Quality is expensive, and this comes in handy, too, with weed. Growing some cannabis plants will surely give you a steady supply of the product at no cost. There will be an initial investment cost, but this might pay off after the first successful harvest. 

Cannabis Has Numerous Health Benefits.

Years of research show that different strains of cannabis have many additional benefits. From alleviating pain to helping with appetite loss, weed has been seen to work wonders. Weed has also been seen to have few side effects compared to other medications for clinical depression.

You Know What You are Using.

When growing your marijuana, you can know which cannabis seeds to use and which fertilizers to add, and you can also carry out some processes correctly. This, unfortunately, is not the case with buying weed. Be it recreational or medicinal, you might not know precisely where cannabis comes from and the quality it contains.

It is Legal

Yeah! We have legal cannabis. As of 2018, the government legalized weed, and you are good to go as long as you meet the requirements to cultivate in your province! The Canadian seed bank will provide you with the best cannabis seeds.

You Can Always Try Experimenting.

Are you an open-minded person who sees the world as a pool of endless possibilities? The buds produced can exceed your regular use. The excess weed will give you more room for experimentation. You can always try out new recipes that add limitless flavour to your food. 

Different Types of Cannabis Grow

Different Types of Cannabis Grow

Cannabis plants thrive most in tropical conditions. However, this does not mean weeds cannot grow under different conditions. This section will check some of the various cannabis grows and how to produce the best weed from each.

Outdoor Grows

 Outdoor growing is one of the most cost-effective ways to grow cannabis since you rely solely on the sun’s power. You only need to find a spot where there is direct sunlight, be it your rooftop, private yard, or even your balcony. As much as weed plants comply with several weather conditions, it is also essential to know your region’s climate.

Heavy winds and rains will undoubtedly cause physical damage to the plant tissues, thus significantly reducing yield. The ideal temperature for growing cannabis is 55˚F to 85˚F. 

Some of the benefits of outdoor growth include:

  • Available space – in outdoor growing, your plant can grow to its full size and be manageable.
  • Cost saving- you only need solar power to grow cannabis. Sunlight is cost-saving compared to indoor grows, where you need lots of electric power in lighting and fans.

Indoor Grows

Indoor growth is probably one of the best since the weather conditions do not tie you. Whether you are living in an apartment or a small house, all you need is a grow room to start producing weed all year round. The grow room should give you control over the lighting, ventilation, humidity, and temperature. 

A grow room can be a garage, basement, or attic. 

The following are some of the features of a basic grow room:

  • The room should be lightproof. No strike of light gets into the room,
  •  The room should also have reflective interior walls to minimize light wastage. 
  • The grow room should also have ventilation fans to ensure free air circulation.

Lighting is one of the essential features of a grow room. Grow lights enable the weed plants to be strong and healthy and, most importantly, produce high yields. Some of the lights to install in your grow room include: HID grow lights, fluorescent grow lights, and LED grow lights.

Hydroponic Grow

One great feature about weed, which actually gives it its name “weed,” is its ability to grow almost everywhere. Hydroponic growth is the soilless growth of plants. These plants are suspended in tanks or baskets full of water and nutrients. This method has been used over the years to maximize yield and minimize growth time. Yes! Hydroponic plants take less maturity time and produce a higher yield compared to soil growth. 

Soil Grow

The best soil to grow weed is loamy soil. It consists of about 40% silt, 40% sand, and 20% clay.

Factors that Influence the Growth of Weed

Factors that Influence the Growth of Weed

Like any other plant, cannabis is affected by several factors inhibiting or promoting growth. 

Some of these factors include:


The environment is a major key player in the growth of cannabis. Outdoor cultivation is the traditional and original method of cannabis cultivation, but it is subject to weather and natural resources (Zheng et al., 2021). 

Some of the factors in the environment are temperature, water, light, and nutrients. All these critical components in the right amounts will highly increase the yield. 

In indoor growth, always make sure to have vital and convenient ventilation. This enables the environment inside the grow room to remain conducive. 


Cannabis growth is also affected by its different strains. These different strains, caused by genetic differences, make each weed plant unique in its own way. For example, the indica strain is short and bushy and has short wide leaves, whereas the Sativa strain is tall and slender.


As a weed grower, you need to examine your area of knowledge, i.e., do you have what it takes to be a weed farmer? Do you have the skills necessary for you to cultivate cannabis? What are the pros and cons of cannabis farming? Luckily, we have you covered on all that in this article.

Equipment and Supply

Weed cultivation requires several pieces of equipment. Some of this equipment includes:

  • Grow tent– this comes in handy during indoor growth.
  • Humidifier and dehumidifier- different stages of development of a cannabis plant require different levels of humidity. For example, seedlings need a 65-70% level of humidity. 
  • Fans- Fresh air discourages breeding grounds for pests and diseases
  • Soil- Soil provides a growing medium and the anchorage needed by the plant.
  • Labour- one of the critical factors is labour supply. You can always tend to your weed plant or seek professional labour if unavailable. 

Method of Grow

As mentioned earlier in this article, there are different types of grow methods. These methods play a significant role in determining the maturity rate of your cannabis plant. Hydroponic growth will give you an earlier maturity than other types of grows. 


Steps on Growing Weed

There are some of those steps you would not want to miss to become a successful weed farmer. In this section, we will look step by step at how to grow and produce the best weed in your backyard.

1. Gather Supplies and Equipment

The first step to every action is adequate preparation. 

And as you’d do with any recipe, we will list the necessary equipment:

  • Grow Light
  • Growing medium
  • Air
  • Nutrients
  • Water

2. Buy Seeds

Steps on Growing Weed

The next step is to buy cannabis seeds online in Canada from a reliable source.

There are several types of cannabis seeds you can buy:

Photoperiod Seeds

Photoperiod seeds may either produce male or female plants. These seeds initiate the flowering stage depending on the light cycle. Photoperiod seeds stop growing in size and start flowering in autumn. This is after the days grow shorter than the nights. To replicate this in indoor grows, one needs to change the lighting from 18/6 to 12/12 hours a day.

Autoflowering Seeds 

On the other hand, autoflowering cannabis seeds are the complete reverse of photoperiod seeds. These cannabis seeds flower after a given period and are not affected by a change in light cycles. However, photoperiod strains have a greater yield compared to auto-flowering seeds.

Regular Seeds

Not only are regular cannabis seeds most popular among us, but they are also among the easiest ways to grow marijuana. They can either emerge as males or females.

Feminized Seeds

Feminized seeds only produce female seeds. These seeds are, however, expensive to purchase.

Note: Make sure to purchase seeds from a reputable seed bank. These seed banks have the best strains and will advise you on the best strain to buy according to your location. Once you purchase the seeds, store them in a cool place away from moisture. The best temperature to keep your cannabis seed is 43-47 degrees Fahrenheit. This will make them less likely to sprout unexpectedly. 

3. Germinate Seeds

The next step is to germinate the seeds. Germination is when a seed sprouts and produces roots. To germinate marijuana seeds, place them between two wet paper towels soaked in distilled water. Please make sure they are at least an inch from each other. Next, cover them with a plate, and it’s time to wait. This takes them to the next stage, the seedling stage.

4. Vegetative Stage

This is where the seeds have germinated and are now gaining mass and size. At this stage, the plants snowball. Their root environment is now fully developed.

5. Flowering Stage

This is the final stage of growth. Most plants take 8-9 weeks from germination to the flowering stage. 

6. Cutting your Cannabis Plant

This is the time to realize your hard work. The buds are now full and mature. Weed is harvested by trimming the buds from the plants, either wet or dry. The trimming is also known as bucking. 

7. Drying and Curing Weed

After harvesting, you need to dry your weed by hanging the nuggets upside down using a string. You can conduct the dry in a shed where you can easily limit the light getting in and control the temperature and humidity. You can install a fan in the drying room to maintain airflow. After your weed is dry, you will notice the stems snapping upon a bit of bending.  

Now it’s time to cure your weed; place it in airtight containers to prevent moisture loss and preserve flavours and aromas. And store the containers in a dark room and gently turn your buds once a day. And they will be cured after 3 weeks.

8. Storing Weed

This is the last part of your weed cycle. Store it in an airtight container to ensure weed does not lose its potency and flavour, store it in an airtight container. Make sure not to expose it to direct sunlight, as UV rays will degrade your weed over time. Enjoy.


Final Words

If you want to skip the whole growing process, you can buy cannabis online in Canada from dispensaries like You will find all sorts of cannabis-related products, vapes, CBD, and even shrooms. You can even buy LSD online from select websites. Finally, you can find excellent recommendations at Cannabis Ontario.



Hill KP. (2015) Medical Marijuana for Treatment of Chronic Pain and Other Medical and  Psychiatric Problems: A Clinical ReviewJAMA. 2015;313(24):2474–2483.  doi:10.1001/jama.2015.6199. Available at:

Bulk Weed Canada. (2022, November 15). Buy Bulk Weed Online in Canada. Available at:

Prisms LSD. (2022, November 15). Buy LSD Online in Canada. Available at:

Jonathan Paul CaulkinsBeau KilmerMark Kleiman. (2016) Marijuana Legalization: What Everyone Needs to Know. Oxford Press. Available at:

The Seed Pharm. (2023, February 1). Buy Marijuana Seeds Online. Available at:

Zheng, Z., Fiddes, K. & Yang, L. A narrative review on environmental impacts of cannabis cultivation. J Cannabis Res 3, 35 (2021). Available at:

Weed List. (2022, November 15). Buy Weed Seeds Online in Canada. Available at:

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